Monday, September 26, 2011

It does indeed get better

    Once again I have read a story on the internet about a young kid who killed himself due to bullying because of his sexuality.   This is so very wrong to me, and the other kids who were the main antagonists should be held responsible in some way.   These stories always strike me right at the heart because I have been there.  I was bullied from Jr. High through my first couple years of college.   One thing I do have to say because of it that Life gets better.  It seems like it is never ending and there is no light but there is.   I honestly want to cry every time I hear one of these stories.  Bullies in high school made me quit choir for a year.  They actually took away the one thing I loved and that was music.   Bullies from both gay men and straight men in college took bets on how to out me when I went to NAU.   These things are awful and should never be inflicted on anyone.   They have also driven me to think about killing myself on numerous occasions.  What saved me?  My family and friends...when the friends I had made fun of me because I was not comfortable with I was I made new friends.  Ones that love me and support me in everything I do.    I also have been blessed with a family that loves me for who I am.   The family part I know if not typical and I am very very lucky for them. 

 Outside of my circle of friends I do not know who reads this if anyone but that is a message I want to send out into the universe tonight, that no matter who you are not alone.  No one is truly ever alone.  Killing yourself over what other people call you is never worth it.   No one can take away who you are and what you mean to the world.  My heart goes out to all the family who have lost sons and daughters due to people's inherit meanness and cruelty.   I sincerely hope that the kids who bully these children who cut their own lives short to end their torment have trouble sleeping at night.   

I know this was a super serious post but this has been nagging at me for a bit and brings up old scars.    Old wounds take the longest to heal but the lesson they give are worth more than anything.....


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